Calling all society leaders

Applications for this year’s elections opened on Monday 21st February and you have until 4pm on Monday 7th March to apply!

This year, we will be electing 4 full-time Students’ Union Officers and a team of 33 students as our new Assembly. The election is a great opportunity to lead change at City and influence how decisions are made.


What has changed?

This year, our democratic structures, and the way we run elections, has changed. Student feedback in previous years told us that students want a simple, accessible and easy to understand democracy at City, so that is exactly what we’ve done!


Here are some of the key changes to our democratic structures and the positions available this year:

1, We will elect four Students' Union Officers instead of three (paid a salary of over £24K).

This means instead of electing a Vice-President Education, for example, we will simply have 3 Vice-Presidents and a President who will come together to choose their main focuses at the start of the academic year.


2, An Assembly including both elected and appointed students

Assembly members will be the main decision making body, replacing the Student Council and the Executive Committee. This Assembly will be proportional based on the different Schools.


3, We have also introduced “slates”

This is where students can run for positions alongside other students and campaign together under one banner.


As a society leader, you have already shown an ability to lead, mobilise and organise. This puts you in a great position to do the same in a new position, either as a full-time Students’ Union Officer or as a part-time Assembly Member.

Plus, having already worked closely with the SU through your society work, you are well equipped to lead the direction of the Students’ Union.

You’ve already represented your societies, run successful events and engaged with students on a variety of levels. Now this is the chance for you to do the same for even more students!


For more information, please click here to see the elections page and start your application today!


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