Time to make real change | Notice of Student Members Meeting - AGM

Come to the City Students' Union AGM

Each academic year, City Students’ Union hold an annual Student Members’ Meeting, sometimes referred to as the Annual General Meeting (AGM).

The purpose of the meeting is for members of the Union (that's you, our students) to:

  • Hear from the Trustees on what the Union has been doing since last year;
  • Formally present the accounts, giving you a chance to see how we spend your money;
  • Approve the list of affiliations of the Union;
  • Provide an opportunity for Student Members to ask the Trustees questions;
  • To debate and pass student policy;

The Student Members Meeting 2020 will take place on Tuesday 24th November, 17:00 online.

This year we will be joined by City, University of London’s Deputy President Professor David Bolton, who will outline City’s plans for Term 2’s academic activity and take questions from the floor

Any City, University of London student can attend, submit motions, debate, listen and vote – including at you! At previous events there has been lively debate, all contributing to changing the Union, the campus and even activity at a national level.

At last year’s meeting students voted on a number of things, including “Longer opening hours and more resources for the library” and “Making CityBar work for City Students”. As a result of this, the Union has worked with the University to improve the resources in the Library and the CityBar space.

Any current City, University of London Student can propose motions for the Meeting, you can find a detailed explanation of how to do so here. If you need any help with this you can drop the Union Representation Team an email and we will meet with you to chat further.

All motions must be submitted to: studentrep@city.ac.uk and studentcouncilchair@city.ac.uk

The deadline for motions is Tuesday 17th November 2020 at 12:00pm (GMT)

So come along and hold City Students’ Union to account, see how your money is spent and hear about its future plans.

Please note to attend the Student Members’ Meeting you reserve a ticket. You can register for a free ticket to this event here – registered students will receive a link to the shortly before the meeting date.  

Please find additional information about the event here and the agenda


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