
My Story

1. I enjoy the freedom university allows. There is still structure to the learning such as scheduled classes but so much is independent which I enjoy because it allows me to build my own timetable and to fit in the other things I enjoy, such as running my business and athletics.
2. Community is the sense that you can rely on the people around you. Knowing that if you need to reach out there will always be someone there to help and support you.
3. I do feel that City has a strong student community.
4. I am personally very neurotic, I make a detailed timetable to assign my reading and assignments. This includes adding in priorities related to my business such as client work or making new products or scheduling time to work on athletics with my team.
5. I made my decision to come to City University after meeting a wonderful ambassador on an open day.
6. City has taught me that the best way to live is to be unapologetically me.
7. Make the most of all the opportunities that come your way, I first put myself forward to be Disabled Students Officer because I had a spare 5 minutes to fill in the form, it was one of the best decisions I have made.
8. The happiest moment of my life has to be receiving my A-level results. The months before exams had been extremely rough for me, after a suicide attempt and being diagnosed with depression I was not feeling hopeful for how I would perform. Over the summer I got myself help and the cherry on top was achieving not only the grades to get into City, but to be granted the Lord Mayor's scholarship too.
9. My greatest struggle at the moment is adapting to the rules. My partner lives 2 hours away and both mine and his family work in healthcare so we have been extra cautious.

Ellie Foulger
Disabled Students’ Officer