More Accessible Bursaries and Scholarships

Currently, the bursary and scholarship schemes have high eligibility criteria’s which students cannot meet.
Currently, the bursary and scholarship schemes have high eligibility criteria’s which students cannot meet.

What is this campaign about?

Currently, the bursary and scholarship schemes have high eligibility criteria’s which students cannot meet. EVERYONE is affected by the cost-of-living crisis that is happening right now. I want to create more bursaries and scholarships with less hard eligibility criteria to meet so every student can feel they are not left out.

What is the purpose of the campaign?

To provide equal opportunities for all students of all backgrounds to have easy access to financial aid when needed. Many students who don’t meet the eligibility criterias are suffering to meet certain things.#

What progress has been made so far?

Created an action plan to see how to tackle this approach. Will be liaising with insight coordinator to collect feedback and evidence that students need the funding.

Get in touch

If you would like to know more about this project, feel free to email Jackson He, your SU Deputy President.

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