Supporting your Studies

Find out more about the Supporting Your Studies Project.
Find out more about the Supporting Your Studies Project.

What is this campaign about?

Ther handbook/guide will contain a condense information of all things that matter to students and things that students need to know about studying at university especially city. Can include stuff like exam guidance, tips and tricks, best places to study, what room numbers are in each building and many more.

What is the purpose of the campaign?

The purpose of the campaign is to bridge the communication gap between students and staff. The connection between student and staff is not the best right now as students are missing key information related to their course such as permitted calculators. Also, this can be used to spread awareness about the services we have, and students can go back to this handbook to search for their required information. Instead of having to navigate throughout the whole website.

What progress has been made so far?

Currently researching on what other universities have and see what content should be inside for students to feel like this is their cheat sheet to succeeding in university.

Get in touch

If you would like to know more about this project, feel free to email Jackson He, your SU Deputy President.

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