Governance & Documents

AGMs and EGMs


All student groups are required to host at least one Annual General Meeting (AGM) per year. These can be used to make key decisions, such as electing your committees (more below), or can act as an opportunity for committees to provide a review of the year, a financial report and general feedback to members. 

The Student Group President will be responsible for chairing the meeting, but other committee members should help with the planning and delivery of the meeting where needed. 

To vote on decisions at an AGM, you must have either: 

  1. 10 members present at the meeting 
  2. 50% of your membership present at the meeting 

Please go with whichever is lower. 


Student Group committee members can call an Emergency General Meeting (EGM) at any time. These meetings are for: 

  1. Changing the Student Group’s constitution  
  2. By-elections to fill vacant committee positions  
  3. Votes of no confidence in committee members 

Quoracy is the same as for an AGM.

Electing your next committee

Each year, members of each student group will vote to elect a new committee. To stand and/or vote in a student group committee election, you must have purchased a membership. It is not enough to simply be an active member, you must have a membership from the Students’ Union website or you will not be eligible.  

You have two ways of elections a new committee for your group:

Online Election

We strongly advise you chose an online election as it is the easiest option to elect your next committee free and fairly. You must use the form below to tell us which committee positions you are electing. 


  • Nominations will be open from Monday 3rd April 8am- 21st April 4pm (Members of your group will be able to nominate themselves for committee positions during this period)
  • Voting week is Monday 24th April 8am- Friday 28th April 4pm
  • Results will be communicated to groups the following week.


You can hold an Annual General Meeting where you can hold can hold your election. Please see the Committee Hub for guidance on holding an AGM.If you decide to hold an AGM to elect your committee, you will need to provide the following to  after the meeting:

  1. List of all attendees (you need to have at least 50% of all of your paid members present)
  2. List of all candidates and how many votes they received
  3. Evidence that Re-Open Nominations (RON) was an option (this is crucial). However you elect your committee all elections should be completed and new committee details sent to the Union () by the 28th April 4pm.Please use this form to let us know how you will be holding your elections.

1st August

Official handover date. Incoming committee members who have completed the training will officially be given full committee access on our system and will begin their term as a student group committee member 

Click this form to let us know how you will be electing your next committee.

Please note, any student group that does not elect a committee will be considered inactive for the following academic year. In that time, if students would like to revive the student group, they can do so, and nothing will be deleted. 

After the inactive year, if the student group still does not have a committee, it will be deleted and any student that wishes to revive it will have to apply again as they would for a new society. 


All committee members are required to attend the compulsory Committee Training. Once you have attended, you will be given admin access on our website and have access to your Student Group funds. Until you have completed the training, you will not have access to these funds, or our website. For those that have not been able to attend so far, the training will be made available online via LinkedIn Learning, which all City students have access to for free. Watching the video in full will be sufficient, and you will not have to attend any further committee training sessions.

Being on a Student Group committee provides you with access to a variety of training and workshops hosted by the Union and external companies. You will be invited to several trainings across the year that will not only help you run your Student Group more effectively, but will also give you skills and experience to put on your CV. In the past, we have provided opportunities for Student Group committee members to attend Islamophobia Awareness training, events planning training, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion training, public speaking training and many more. 

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