From Society Leader to SU Officer: What are the benefits?

Every year in the annual SU Elections, City students elect their colleagues and peers to represent them. As a Society leader, you are in a unique position to apply for the roles we have available and represent students at the highest levels!


So, what is available? And why should you apply?


This year, students will elect 4 full-time, paid SU Officers. These Officers will represent students, campaigning on issues that are important to them, planning and organising events to build community and so much more. Being an SU Officer is a fantastic opportunity to develop key skills and springboard your career, as well as making some great change and supporting your peers. And for the really good news? You have already developed many of the skills needed for this role through your work as a Society leader.


Have you ever planned an event for your society? Or supported a member who needed advice on something related to their course? Have you organised a committee meeting, or taken feedback from students and relayed it to your committee? Have you managed your Society budget? Have you stood for hours at Freshers’ Fair recruiting new students and building a community around your Society?


Chances are, you answered yes to most of those questions. If that’s the case, congratulations, you already have some of the key experiences that would make you an excellent Officer. Even if you didn’t answer yes, or you still don’t feel like you could do it, the SU Officer role comes with comprehensive training throughout the summer, to makes sure that you feel prepared and confident enough to represent your peers and drive forward change at City.


On top of this, one of our Officers will be responsible for student communities, including the societies you all run. What better way to use all the skills you’ve gained as a Society leader than by getting paid to support societies like the one you’re in now!


Some of you are probably thinking, what about me? I’m not graduating next year, and I don’t want to pause my studies. No worries, we have positions for you too!


Our part-time Assembly members exist to carry forward the Union’s priorities and ensure that our SU officer and representing students to the best of their ability. Being an Assembly Member only requires 4 meetings a year! 4 meetings a year to make all this change, sounds almost too good to be true, right? But it’s not. As a Society leader, you are in the perfect position to join the Assembly and continue the good work you already do. You will go from representing your members, to representing all 20,000 students at City which, as you can imagine, will equip you for the world of work and make you truly stand out from the crowd!


If you’re enthusiastic about the student experience, and want to use all of the skills you have developed as a Society leader, while building an amazing career in whatever you want to do, apply to be an SU Officer now!


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