Programme Rep Elections are here!


Nominations are now open for the Programme Rep Elections! Stand to be a Programme Rep this year to make a difference to the academic experience of you and your course mates.


What is a Programme Rep?

Programme Reps carry the voice for their cohort on the issues that matter.

Students can turn to their Rep to raise any issues on their course. This can be academic related or non-academic related. For example, if there are no PowerPoint slides for lectures, a Rep can raise this and ask for this to be changed.

Ultimately, Reps play a key role in making the University experience much better for City students, meaning students will not only get the most out of their course but are happier students!


What will you be doing as a Rep?

Reps will collect feedback from their cohort on both academic issues and non-academic issues, to understand the key issues and experiences on the course. By taking feedback to important University meetings, you will play a key role in ensuring that City is listening and responding to real student feedback (that’s both the good and bad!).

You’ll receive training from the SU in the next few weeks so that you are all prepped and ready to be a Rep!


How do I nominate myself to be a Rep?

ANYONE can become a Programme Rep here at City.

If you want to stand to be a Rep, you will be able to nominate yourself in class during the first few weeks of teaching. Your programme may hold in-person or online elections for Reps to nominate themselves and for the class to vote on who they would like to see as their Rep. For more details on how the elections will be held for your programme, please contact your Course Leader.

What’s in it for you!

Along with all the positive change you’ll be able to make as a Programme Rep, we’ll make sure that you are supported throughout the year with great perks and benefits.

  1. Complete your SU induction training at the end of October and receive a Rep goody bag!
  2. You’ll get to access a range of training and developments opportunities to boost your skills
  3. Personalized Programme Rep hoodies at cost price
  4. Monthly Rep of the Month to celebrate any big wins you have worked on with big prizes
  5. Termly rep socials for each school to meet other Reps
  6. Get an end of year Rep certificates and LinkedIn endorsement at the end of the Year to show your networks and more!


Check out our Programme Rep Election page for more information.






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