Win, win, win! We’ve been making your virtual City better!

At the start of Term 2 we ran our Student Check-ins project. We called 8,000+ students and had 2,500+ conversations checking in on your wellbeing, seeing if we could offer some support and seeing what more the Union and the University could to help. We put together a report summarising the main themes that appeared in the calls. We made recommendations to City about what more they needed to ensure you were supported.

City responded to these with some big wins for students. We wanted to share with you what your feedback contributed towards, what is being done about it and tell you about some of the wins! We look forward to bringing back the Student Check-ins in September to check-in, see how you’re getting on and bring some more wins for students!

Check out what City said in response to our recommendations below!


Your Online Learning


What has City done


Provide more academic skills sessions and resources as part of every course, specifically designed for students to understand how to get the most through online learning. In addition, increase the promotion of the Academic Skills services.

Academic skills sessions have taken place throughout the year through Study Well.

Targeted work on digital literacy and support for students during Welcome 2021 as a result of strategic investments from the Strategic Planning and Resources Board. (SPRB)


Prioritising students who are graduating this academic year, review and communicate across Schools the impact of missed practical time and when opportunities will be provided for students to get practical experience, where possible, not resulting in delays to graduation.

Practical teaching sessions delivered in term 3 in line with government guidance with graduates prioritised. 


Draft and disseminate a prospective plan for the modes of delivery of teaching and on campus activity for next academic year.

Some communications have been sent out but a full plan for the next academic year is yet to be communicated. 


Introduce a remote learning resource monitoring system to allow City to understand what resources students have access to and ensure they are equipped for home learning.

Evaluation of provision around digital literacy and digital inclusion is underway. This will include monitoring provision to ensure students are equipped for remote/online learning. 


Schools to regularly consult students on their online learning experience and what elements can be taken forward, improved, or scrapped.

Work underway to agree a new strategic approach to Student voice for the next academic year. This will work to respond to student feedback in a timely manner and ensure students know what has been done. 



Your Exams and Assessment 


What has been done


Provide urgent clarity to students on how May 2021 and 2021/22 exams will be taking place.

Communications were published and students received communications on how exams took place in May 2021.


Review the impact of Covid-19 assessment mitigations and online learning on equality gaps for students underrepresented in Higher Education. In particular, the potential benefits and detriments to BAME, International and Disabled Students

The student attainment project will work to understand the impacts of the mitigations put in place.


Introduce 48-hour online exam periods as standard across all schools

City says that due to the need to manage academic standards there cannot be a single approach to online exams across all schools.


Introduce a feedback monitoring process, to monitor standards of feedback. This should ensure all assessment feedback is tailored, meaningful and comprehensive, with students given the opportunity to ask academic staff questions regarding their assessment.

The University states work is underway to address persistent concerns raised across all schools with few results.




Make it clear what constitutes feedback across a students’ time on a course to ensure they recognise when they are receiving feedback on their work.

The University states work is underway to address persistent concerns raised across all schools with few results.



Returning to Campus


What has been done


Urgently clarify what a return to campus looks like for all Schools in term three

Communications sent out to students and in person teaching delivered for practical courses in line with government restrictions. 


Communicate the principles being applied for the 2021-22 academic year to students.

Some communications have been sent out but a full plan for the next academic year is yet to be communicated.



Your Support


What has been done


Research why Black students feel less supported at City and instruct the relevant group to address concerns.

To be addressed through wider work on student support in partnership with the SU EDI Student steering group. 


Improve support for students on placement, in particular with centrally tailored communications, increased school communications and increased welfare checks

City responded saying that this does not appear in school feedback but has been flagged as an issue.

Students on micro placements do however receive tailored support.


Restructure personal tutoring to include specific sessions for re-informing students of support services available to them and of opportunities to connect with the wider City community

Reviews taking place of 1-1 support across City ahead of the next academic year. Resources have been prioritised for pastoral and specialist support for student wellbeing and mental health. 




Your Community


What has been done


Create a Community Sub-Group from the Student Experience Task & Finish Group to address and tackle a lack of community at City as we head into 2021- 22.

City Connects subgroup of the Student Experience Task and Finish Group has been formed to tackle these issues. This group will looks to add value to students who have lost out on social and community aspects of City life due to the pandemic.


Create a return to campus guide specifically for current first year students, where possible encouraging them to visit site when guidance allows

The City Connects group will look at orientation for students who have not visited campus particularly look at site visits for first year students when safe to do so.


Ensure that all courses have a group platform for students to connect with their peers.

The City Connects group will look at platforms to connect students online and digital engagement plans to create community. 


Plan and communicate plans for a Welcome 2021 involving new students and returning students to recreate lost student experience.

Work is underway in the City Connectsgroup to address the lost student experience at City and City Students’ Union.


5 Develop a plan for a digital community for students for academic year 2021-22 to engage students who have benefited from a more online student experience.

The City Connects group will look at platforms to connect students online and digital engagement plans to create community.



Your Employability


What has been done


Target third year students with communications of the services available to them support their employability

The Careers service and City Students’ Union are leading on an enhanced offer to support graduates from 2020 and current students as part of the Employment Development Plan. 


Introduce tailored employability events to reassure students of the post-graduation job market and increase skills development opportunities to prepare for it.

Activity underway to target third year students and students from groups where there are equality gaps in progression outcomes.


Careers Service and the Union to collaborate on employability events to engage Union volunteers and support them through to progression

Work ongoing to support graduates and current students.





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