In a sports team? Here’s why you should run in this year’s SU Elections

Find out why you should think about running in the SU elections


It’s that time of year again where we are asking our students to nominate themselves to run in the City Students’ Union Leadership Election. Positions range from paid roles (£23k+ per annum!) such as President of the Students’ Union to voluntary positions such as Sports Officer. Whether you are passionate about sports, media, the environment, equality, inclusion, raising money, community, wellbeing, religion, working with people or making a positive change, there is something for everybody.

Here are five reasons why students who particpate in a sports team should run in this year’s election:


1. You already possess most of (if not all!) the skills to be an ideal candidate for one of the positions available.

Think about it. Playing a sport requires communication, determination, initiative, strength, teamwork, problem solving and creativity. So when someone asks you why they should vote for you, reply saying that you already have all the skills needed to be a good leader and you’ve been developing them for years.

2. You engage with so many students on a regular basis.

Whether it’s to and from games, at training, and/ or at City Bar- sports students know and interact with a lot of people. Not only will this help you with your campaign but it also means you know what issues students are facing. This can then be used to put together a manifesto that the people can actually relate to.

3. Most of you play sport to win. Why not try and win an election?

If you compete in BUCS, enter a tournament or simply play on a Sunday afternoon, the object of the game is to score more points than your opposition. What’s the difference with an election? All you have to do is obtain more votes than your competition. If it’s anything like playing Kingston in Varsity then the election will be a breeze!

4. Sports students are active!

You train several times a week, play every Wednesday and socialise as much as you can in between, it’s no wonder then that the City community needs your energy, enthusiasm and commitment!

5. Sport is more than just an activity.

Sport is about overcoming challenges as well as proving yourself and others wrong. It’s about mental and physical wellbeing, teamwork, friendship and creating a community. Playing in a team is also about inclusion. It’s a place where anyone, regardless of race, gender, religion, body size and sexual orientation can participate and feel welcome. It’s a place where for just a few hours a week, you can forget about all your worries and just focus on what is going on around you.


The student community needs these values in their everyday lives and you could be the one to help put them there.

Don't wait, nominate yourself today.


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