UCU Strike - Update

Our staff have announced another round of industrial action, here is what you need to know

For the latest strike update please see this webpage: www.citystudents.co.uk/ucustrike

University College Union (UCU) announced another round of industrial action commencing in late February and stretching to mid-March. Dates can be found below. We expect further information to be circulated by the University shortly.

  • Week one - Thursday 20 & Friday 21 February
  • Week two - Monday 24, Tuesday 25 & Wednesday 26 February
  • Week three - Monday 2, Tuesday 3, Wednesday 4 & Thursday 5 March
  • Week four - Monday 9, Tuesday 10, Wednesday 11, Thursday 12 & Friday 13 March

We are and will continue to be here for you. We will be in contact with our UCU branch, City leadership and schools to ensure mitigations and support are in place for you. Our Advice Service continues to support all students and offers advice on complaints for compensation claims. 

Some of you may remember our Referendum from November, where the student body voted for the Students’ Union to support UCU members and the industrial action. Going forward, there will be a policy motion in our annual Student Members’ Meeting on Tuesday February 12th. We invite you all to attend the meeting next week to vote on the motion on the UCU Industrial Action. 

Information on our Student Members' Meeting can be found here: https://www.citystudents.co.uk/student-voice/unionmeetings/

You can find UCU's full statement here: https://www.ucu.org.uk/article/10621/UCU-announces-14-strike-days-at-74-UK-universities-in-February-and-March



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