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Your Wins

What are Your Wins?

When it comes to the decisions that affect your academic experience, City Students' Union is here to ensure the student's voice is heard right across the University. Based on student feedback, our student Reps & Officers are able to secure University-wide changes to benefit students - we call these our Your Wins.

What can be considered a Win?

Your wins are any positive change you have created in your course, either through SSLC meetings, Student Experience Committtees, Board of Studies Meetings or even a conversation with your peers or academics!

These wins can go from moving deadlines (ex. after attending an SSLC meeting, your academics agreed to move deadlines based on the student feedback you provided) to creating new student space (ex. last year, the former SU President met with the Univeristy Management team after collecting student feedback on the need for extra student space on campus and managed to secured a new room to by students on campus).

Some of the themes can be:

Student Issues 20/21

What can be considered an issue? If you have problems with:
- Assessment & Feedback
- Teaching Standards
- Online Resources
- Lecture Capture Provision
- Timetabling
- Study Skills and Support
- Employability and Opportunities
- Placement Support
- Student Experience

By showcasing your wins, we celebrate the importance and impact of Programme Reps in your student experience.

If you are a student, programme rep or a student representative officer, let us know about Your Wins!

Complete here Your Wins Form!