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Academic Issues

I need some help.

What are my options?

If you have an issue, idea or query, we can help you.


Your first point of contact is your Programme Representative who is a student just like you who represents your course.You can find them here.

If you have an idea to contribute to a better Student experience at City, submit your idea here, or if you have a more straightforward query, try the chat at the bottom right of your screen or drop an email to 

Alternatively, if you have an issue and you just don't know where to start, you can tell us about an issue using the form below.

Click here to access the form

What can be considered an issue? If you have problems with:

- Assessment & Feedback (deadlines, feedback quality, turnaround time)
- Teaching Standards (contact with academic staff, teaching delivery, personal tutors)
- Resources (revision resources such as mock exams and previous exams papers, library resources)
- Lecture Capture (online and on-campus recording)
- Timetabling (release of the timetable, timetable gaps)
- Study Skills and Support
- Employability and Opportunities (Careers, Internships)
- Placement Support
- Student Experience (IT, Rooms, Moodle/Website, Health and Safety, Student Space, Access to Software, Access to Tecnhology (laptops, internet).

If your issue does not match a theme on this list, still complete and submit this form, as our team will then be able to signpost your issue to the best team available to support you.

Please contact our Advice Service, if you have any issues related to: Extenuating circumstances, Academic appeals, Complaints (either about a particular service, dissatisfaction with the course, a particular member of staff, or other students), Academic misconduct, Fitness to Practise, Fitness to Study, Disciplinary, Bullying & Harassment, Interruption of Studies, Budgeting guidance.