All the information you need to run a successful group!

Health & Safety

Risk Assessments

Here you will find information on Annual Risk Assessments and event-specific Risk Assessments, as well as links and information on both.


Annual Risk Assessments 

This year, we will be moving to a slightly new system of risk assessment. We will still require the standard risk assessment form for all larger-scale events. These include, but are not limited to, parties, balls, events at external events, or general events where a large number of people will be in attendance (anything over 100).

This year we are introducing an annual risk assessment. This form will be completed by you with the Communities Team at the start of the academic year, and will cover all regular, small-scale events like your meet and greets. Making it easier for you to run activity and reducing the amount of paperwork you need to complete to deliver activity. So, how does it work?

  1. Committee will meet with us to create an annual risk assessment based on each student groups expected activity for the year
  2. This will then cover each small-scale event on campus
  3. The form will act as a checklist for you to use before each event to make sure everything is in place
  4. If you want to host an event where the risk will change, e.g. an end of year ball, trip, games night, club night, etc, you will need to submit a risk assessment for that specific event as usual
  5. Each year your new student group committee will work with the Communities Team to update your annual risk assessment and ensure it is accurate


To book in a meeting to create your Annual Risk Assessment, please email your Student Communities Coordinator at


Individual Risk Assessment

Where the risk has changed from your standard, low-scale event to something larger, or where you have not yet completed your Annual Risk Assessment, you will need to complete an individual Risk Assessment form before your events and send it to us.

In the 'hazards' column on the form, you should write any potential hazards that could be present at your event. Common examples of this can include overcrowding, food safety, fire risks, etc.

You will then write what measures you have taken to limit the risk of these hazards occurring. For example, if you include overcrowding in the hazards column, a measure you may put in place to prevent this is booking a room large enough or making your event ticketed to track attendance. Similarly, if you will be serving food at your event, which is a hazard, a control measure you may want to put in place could be labelling all food so those with allergies and intolerances are aware of what each item contains.


Click here for the event-specific Risk Assessment Form

Stall Risk Assessment

Do you have an event or activity taking place on a booked stall on campus? We have completed a model stall risk assessment which you can access. You should review this form and add information about the activity/event taking place on your stall. If you are giving away or selling food on your stall you must include this on your risk assessment. Remember all stall bookings must go through the event booking form. Attatch your Stall Risk Assessment with your event booking form.

Click here for the model stall Risk Assessment Form